Wednesday 4 March 2015

Essay Draft #1

The use of social media has surged, raising concerns about the detrimental effects of over-dependence. Such damaging habit may interfere with our daily lifestyle if we get overly-compelled to engage in social media updates at every moment. The term "social networking addiction" has been informally coined to describe a person who spends too much time on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking platforms to the extent that it interferes with his or her daily life. Even though the social networking addiction is not an official medical term, it is a real issue that needs to be addressed and to seek a solution to juggle the delicate balance between pleasure and obsession.

Rosen (2014) conducted a survey to across members of four generations to analyze the use of social media and what factors will predict who would use more or less technology. Results show that the younger generation, also known as the iGeneration, those born between 1990 to 1999, are avid users of the internet. This sub-population grew up with the internet technology and is probably the most likely folks to be affected by the "social network addiction" syndrome.

While the term is still vaguely defined, a social networking addict would be someone who has a compulsion to excessively check status updates, new photo uploads and view profiles at every second. Meikle (2012) states that urges to twitter are actually stronger and harder to resist as compared to cravings for alcohol and cigarettes. However, it is difficult to draw a line between plain fondness for engaging in social media and an addiction that is harmful to one's life. 

According to a HomeNet study conducted by Kraut (1998), an increased use of internet has resulted in lesser interactions between family members living within the same household. It also equates to smaller social circles and a higher likelihood of depression. The increasing use of social media has revolutionized the way people communicate, behave and act with one another. It transcends the temporal and spatial dimensions of communication in a relationship and supposedly facilitates day-to-day interaction between acquaintances, colleagues, friends and family members. However, the aforementioned study illustrates the negative consequences of over-dependence on the internet.

In the published article "How social media affects our self-perception", Sunstrum (2014) states that there exist high rates of depression caused by an inconsistency seen between ideal cyber self and self-image. Social media has become a bragging platform where most post up their best angles and best shots to share with others, concealing flaws in their daily lives. While social network platforms bring people closer as it provides opportunity to share intimate details online, it creates a dissonance within an individual's ideal self and actual self-image, causing distress.

As mentioned, this unofficial term is not categorized in the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders under the American Psychologist Association. However, such compulsion to be involved in social media network almost constantly to the extent that is causes distress demonstrates signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is an anxiety disorder that causes one to feel uneasy and engages in repetitive behavior to soothe out his or her intrusive thoughts.

As such, rehabilitation is needed for such an addiction. Increasing the awareness of the public of the term "social network addiction" would be a huge first step in addressing the issue. One would need to be aware of the symptoms so if he or she identifies the problem, measures can be taken to tackle the addiction. Such an obsession may result in significant performance deterioration in other activities such as work, academics, social life and so on. Re-directing one's priorities in life would help him or her realize that technology should be used as tools that enhances life and without it, one would still be able to function properly.

To sum up, "social network addiction" may not be a term that exists in official documents, as of now, but it has been a growing concern ever since the Internet revolution. Studies have shown the detrimental effects on an individual's psychological, emotional and social being and while we may not have sunk into the psychiatric disorder, it would be safe to take precautionary measures to prevent such a situation.

Kraut, R., Patterson, M., Lundmark, V., Kiesler, S., Mukopadhyay, T., & Scherlis, W. (1998). Internet paradox - a social technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being? American Psychologist53, 1017-1031.

Meikle, J. (2012). Twitter is harder to resist than cigarettes and alcohol, study finds. The Guardian. Retrieved from:

Rosen, L. (2014). Our Social Media Obsession. Psychology Today. Retrieved from:

Sunstrum, K. (2014). How social media affects our self-perception. Psychcentral. Retrieved from:


Questions to help you analyse the essay prompt:

1. What are the problems related to the use of social media?
2. Identify one problem you would like to discuss in your essay.
3. What existing measures have been adopted to counter the problem?
4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the existing solutions?
5. What are the other potential solutions to address this problem?


  1. 1. What do you like the best about the ideas in this essay? Be specific. (precise vocabulary, cohesive/linked ideas, clear/easy to follow discussion, convincing, effective reasoning/argument, well-developed ideas, well-supported topic sentences, understandable transitions, etc.)

    The essay has a clear direction and the argument is easy to follow. Engaging topic.

    2. Is there a clear, narrowly-focused problem presented in the essay? Is it contextualized in the intro? Is it expressed well in the thesis?

    Your thesis states that the issue that needs to be address is the need to fine a balance between pleasure and obsession. However in paragraph 3 and 7 you suggest the need to raise awareness and so as to have a clear definition of "social media addiction" this seems to be another problem that can be address separately, although they are connected. You could spend a few more paragraphs expanding on that, as it would greatly affect your solution

    3. How well is the first solution described? How effectively is that solution evaluated?
    Your first solution focuses on Rehabilitation. However the follow development of the paragraph gives me a feeling that its more of education. For example... if creating awareness for and individual is enough is there still a need for rehabilitation. Do you recommend that he is forcefully segregated from any form of devices that can allow him access to social media ?

    4. How well is the second solution described? Is it effectively connected to a positive outcome?

    5. Are there any ideas in the essay that need further development? Which parts of the essay require further elaboration?

    You asserted in paragraph 6 that "social-media addiction" can be link to OCD that results in anxiety. However i am unable to see the link between the two. Could develope on that.

    Also might want to develop on the point where u state that there is a lack of definition about the "social -media addiction"... this could be your 2nd solution.
    example ... proper research on the symptoms so that there can be greater awareness
    ... followed by rehabilitation for those whose symptoms are severe.

    6. Does the writer effectively use outside source material to illustrate the problem and/or the solutions?

    You have done sufficient research to substantiate your claim that "social media addiction" is a problem.

    7. What is your impression of the flow of the content?

    Essay has a clear outline and structure that is easy to follow.

    8. Are there any ideas in the essay that are not clear or that you find confusing?
    Underscore/ highlight these.

    Mentioned above ... about the link to OCD as well as your solution paragraph

    9. Are the citations used in this essay appropriate? Are the reporting verbs effectively used? Does the reference list adhere to the APA guidelines?

    10. Can you give a couple specific suggestions for how the writer could most improve this essay?
    Interesting topic chosen. Consider expanding on the part of "coining the problem" and hence you can separate your solutions into 2 paragraphs that addresses both issues at hand.

  2. Hey Aisyah!

    Some comments on your essay:

    1. I like your introduction and the way you organize your essay. The introduction gives a very explicit explanation on the things that you are going to discuss in your essay and ending off with a summary tackling on the issue. The discussion is easy to follow and the transition between paragraphs is smooth.

    2. I like the focus of your essay on social networking addiction and the severity of the problem. It is very straightforward and well presented in your thesis. However, for the problem description in the 4th paragraph, perhaps you can add more of your own opinion at the end (more elaboration on last sentence). I like the overall idea of the problem but the paragraph seems like a summary of the study. As for the 6th paragraph, on OCD, perhaps you may want to bring back the relation to social media for this paragraph and some elaboration on the effects towards one’s social media usage patterns.

    3. The explanation on the rehabilitation solution is a little general. You seemed to be describing what rehabilitation is. Perhaps you can look for more evidence to back the solution that you have found and provide examples of the rehabilitation to give an idea of how it helps to solve the social networking addiction problem.

    4. 2nd Solution: NA

    5. The solution provided requires further development so that we are able to understand on the point that rehabilitation can help to reduce the social networking addiction problem.

    6. There are a lot of external sources used to support the problems. Perhaps you can find more information on the solutions to have better elaborations on it.

    7. The overall flow is clear and there's a nice structure. I can follow the transition between the ideas that you are making.

    8. As mentioned earlier, your solutions can be better with more explanation on it. It is not really clear as to how it helps to resolve the problem that you have identified.

    9. The reporting verbs used is good! However, do remember to italics the publication site. E.g. Rosen, L. (2014). Our Social Media Obsession. Psychology Today. Retrieved from:

    10. There seems to be a lot of description of the problem. Maybe you can combine the problems mentioned in paragraphs 4 and 5 to have more elaboration on the solutions. Nonetheless, good job on your 1st draft Aisyah! ☺

  3. Sorry, for point 9, the italics is on "Psychology Today". The comments formatting is off. Haha.
